Cement Process Consulting (CPC) has more than 35 years of world wide experience in the cement manufacturing industry. It has extensive experience in writing tenders & contracts, raw material studies, commissioning of cement plants, personnel training and operations. CPC has worked in more than 35 different countries with all of the major players in the cement industry and has performed many independent analyses of cement manufacturing projects and operations. It has participated in more than 100 projects worldwide.
Cement Process Consulting has worked with government agencies, the United Nations, equipment manufacturers, cement manufacturers & consultants. It has also performed feasibility studies and commissioned more than 20 new cement plants, ranging from 800 to 5000 tpd.
The principal, Ken Postle, has led CPC since its inception; previously he managed cement plant maintenance and production departments for Lafarge Canada. Having worked widely in Canada, North America, Europe and the developing world he has extensive project management and planning experience and understands the problems associated with managing large industrial projects. Ken also has experience in environmental and pollution control practices in the cement industry. Ken has a working knowledge of Spanish and has conducted training courses in several Latin American countries.
1968 - 1971 Honours Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Salford University, England.
Professional Experience (more than 130 different projects).
2012-13 Project Manager, Perry Resources, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Coordinating the design of a new 600 tpd cement plant in New Zealand
2011-12 Process
Consultant, Cementos Cibao, Dominican Republic.
Preliminary design of a new 600 tpd cement plant in New Zealand
Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP , New York, USA.
Cement industry expert retained by counsel for the Republic of Venezuela to provide my professional opinion on the condition of the Cemex plants nationalized by the government of Venezuela and assess the risks that any potential buyer would have considered during a due diligence study of the three cement plants.
Perry Resources, Hamilton, New Zealand.
& report for environmental permit for a new mini cement plant in New Zealand.
2010-11 Project
Cementos Cibao, Dominican Republic.
Project Advisor for a new cement plant in New Zealand.
& report for environmental permit for a new mini cement plant in New Zealand.
Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP , New York, USA
Cement industry expert retained by counsel for the Republic of Venezuela to provide professional opinion on the value of the Holcim cement and ready mix plants nationalized by the government of Venezuela.
2009-10 Chief
Commissioning Engineer,
Cementos Cibao, Dominican Republic.
1500 tpd, 4 stage preheater built using second-hand equipment, coal fired.
Project Advisor for a new cement plant in New Zealand.
Assistance with process design for a new mini cement plant in New Zealand.
Project Advisor for a new cement plant in Honduras.
Assistance with Performance Tests for a new 3100 tpd Polysius kiln at Cementos del Norte, Honduras.
2008 Project Advisor for a new cement plant in Nigeria.
Visit to plant site & initial consulting to get project off the ground
Project Advisor for a new cement plant in Albania.
Selection of project consultant and overseeing initial studies.
Supervision of Site Process Evaluation at Illinois Cement.
Overseeing Site Process Evaluation by KHD.
Training for Engineers from Arawak Cement, Barbados.
Visit to sites in the USA for practical training in coal mill operations
Training course for Engineers & Operators, Caribbean Cement, Jamaica.
4 week training course in process & operations
Technical advisor to new cement company in Vietnam.
Review of documentation and preparation of documentation for Due Diligence Study.
Technical assistance at Illinois Cement after major kiln outage.
2007 Training course for Engineers & Operators, Caribbean Cement, Jamaica.
Consultant for new cement project in Azerbaijan, contract & feasibility study review.
Project evaluation for Cementos Nare, Argos Group, Colombia.
New wet process white cement plant.
Chief Technical advisor to Stantec Consulting Ltd, Toronto.
Feasibility study for Heidelberg Cement in southern United States,
Evaluation of process problems at Mountain Cement, Laramie, Wyoming, USA.
Process trouble shooting & training for Polysius precalciner and in-direct coke firing system for Cementos Cienfuegos SA., Cuba.
Cementos Cienfuegos SA., Cuba.
Process trouble shooting & training for Polysius precalciner
Technical advisor to Cementos Cibao, Dominican Republic.
Construction of 4 stage preheater using second-hand equipment.
Chief Technical Advisor for Kaz Cement Company, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Greenfield site for 1.2 million tpy cement. Tender & contract preparation.
2006 Commissioning Engineer for expansion of Illinois Cement, USA.
Expansion of existing 4 stage preheater to Separate Line Calciner using KHD technology.
Due diligence for new Lime Kiln in North America.
Process review for bank loan.
Visit to several cement plants in Libya.
Study of needs of Libyan cement industry for training & maintenance.
Feasibility study for new cement plant in Western North America.
Study of Capital & Operating cost, IRR and steps required to proceed.
Study for possible new cement plant in South Western USA.
Pre-Feasibility Study.
Audit of Instrumentation for Cementos Argos, Colombia.
Process Study & recommendation at 8 plants in Colombia.
Illinois Cement Company, Illinois, USA.
Training for Engineers & operators for a new expansion
Feasibility study for new cement plant in Libya.
Pre-Feasibility Study.
2005 Cement Expert for Asia Development Bank.
Technical Loan evaluation for Nghi Son Cement Project, Vietnam
Chief Process Engineer for Khatib & Alami, Beirut, Lebanon.
Preparation of Tender Documents for a 4,000 tpd green field cement plant & power station, Kurdistan, Iraq.
Technical advisor to Kilnstone Industries, Vancouver, Canada.
Research into recycling concrete slurry to cement kilns in North America.
Study for possible new cement plant in Canada.
Continuation of study of raw materials
2004 Saudi Cement Company, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Technical advisor for new 10,000 tpd kiln.
Buxton Lime Company, Buxton, England.
Chief Commissioning Engineer for Holcim, Switzerland.
Cementos Cienfuegos, Cuba.
Training staff & Engineers
Possible new cement plant in Western Canada.
Study of raw materials
Mountain Cement, Wyoming, USA.
Trouble shooting process problems
Cementos Cienfuegos, Cuba.
Training staff & Engineers
2003 Glens Falls Cement, New York, USA
Trouble shooting cooler problems
CemCo Cement, Quebec, Canada
Various process calculations for new a cement plant
Study of process problems at two cement kilns in Colombia, South America.
Evaluation of two cement kilns.
Independent Auditor for Holcim (USA)
Evaluation of Control Room Operators
International Coal Supplier
Implications of burning various types of coal in Precalciners.
Cement Process Consulting Ltd.
Development of Kiln Simulator
2002 Independent Auditor for Holcim (USA)
Evaluation of Control Room Operators
Mountain Cement, Laramie, Wyoming, USA
Process calculations for Raw Mill conversion project
Lafarge Canada Inc. Exshaw, Alberta, Canada.
Trouble shooting new In-direct fired coal system.
Major International Engineering Company
Preliminary design of Lime Flash calciner.
Arawak Cement, Barbados
Training course for process engineers, control room operators and lab technicians..
Masons, Lawyers, Hong Kong
Consultant for the defence in an International law case.
Lafarge Corporation, Sugar Creek, MO, USA
Commissioning of 2,800 tpd Polysius precalciner, coal fired.
Cales del Mar Carbe, Cartagena, Colombia
Start up of 200 tpd Lime kiln.
2001 Feasibility Study for New Cement plant in Western North America
Study of suitability of raw materials, plant layout, investment cost & estimation of operating costs.
Cementos del Valle, Cali, Colombia
Calculation of equipment size for In-direct fired coal system.
Feasibility Study for New Cement plant in New Zealand
Study of suitability of raw materials & estimation of operating costs.
Falconbridge Nickel, Australia
Consultant for coal firing system for new Ferro-nickel plant.
Canadian Law firm
Study of technical issues regarding Insurance claim by a Cement Plant.
Large Equipment Manufacturer, USA / France
Ongoing project studying integration of Power Generation Plants and Cement Plants.
Colclinker, Cartagena, Colombia
Training, start-up & commissioning of in-direct fired coal mill, ball mill with Greco burner.
Illinois Cement, USA
Study of options for modifying existing direct fired coal system.
Cementos del Valle, Cali, Colombia
Study for the conversion of semi-direct fired coal system to In-direct fired.
2000 Client, USA
Feasibility study for a new cement plant in North America.
Cementos del Valle, Cali, Colombia
Study for the conversion of semi-direct fired coal system to In-direct fired.
Large Equipment Manufacturer, USA
Project studying integration of Power generation plants and Cement plants.
USA Environmental Agency - Region III, Philadelphia, USA
Training course for 30 Engineers and Lawyers. An introduction to Cement Process Technology.
Cementos del Valle, Cali, Colombia
Study of operating problems with wet kiln and cooler.
Sharr Cement, Kosovo
Technical cement expert for UNMIK, assessing condition of the plant, advising on environmental improvement and financial investments.
National Cement, Alabama, USA
Environmental assessment of cement plant.
Inland Cement, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Design & preparation of Operating Manuals for Kiln Control Room Operators.
1999 Colclinker, Cartagena, Colombia
Study of the feasibility of increasing existing cement mill production by implementing an automation system.
Mountain Cement, Laramie, Wyoming, USA
Training course for kiln operators. Long dry and 2 stage preheater kilns. 4 week duration.
General Minerals Corporation, Denver, CO., USA
Due Diligence study & evaluation of new cement plant in Bolivia.
Caribbean Cement Company, Jamaica, West Indies
Follow-up training course for Engineers and Operators, to develop a strong theoretical and practical understanding of kiln and mill operation. 3 weeks duration.
SNC-Lavalin, Toronto, Canada
Consultant for the design of a 33,000 tpd dry grinding plant for gold ore in Chile, South America.
1998 - 1999 Morning Star Cement Co., Vietnam
Resident for Holderbank Engineering at the Morning Star plant. Supervision of commissioning & performance testing on 4,000 tpd Kobe kiln at the Hong Chong cement plant. Kobe precalciner, burning 100% anthracite coal,
Loesche vertical roller mills for raw and cement grinding. Gamma Metrics on-line analyzer. 5% chlorine by-pass system.
Tabuk Cement Company, Duba, Saudi Arabia
Supervision and monitoring of the commissioning of the new 3,500 tpd turnkey cement plant. Contract with Austroplan Consulting Engineers. 20% alkali by-pass system. Gamma metrics on-line analyzer.
Caribbean Cement Company, Jamaica, West Indies
Complete training course for Engineers and Operators, to develop a strong theoretical and practical understanding of kiln and mill operation.
1997 Colclinker, Cartagena, Colombia
Feasibility study, comparison of Expert, Rules based and Multi-variable systems, selection of hardware & software for new DDS.
Cementos del Valle, Cali, Colombia
Up-grade of clinker cooler, coal firing system and cooler dedusting system.
Al Ain Cement Factory, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
On going project for conversion of kiln from 100% by-pass to 30% by-pass.
Cementos del Valle, Cali, Colombia
Consultant for the optimization and trouble shooting of wet kiln.
Arawak Cement, Barbados
Commissioning of existing kiln / mill system. Kiln uses Orimulsion (coal in emulsion with water) as fuel.
Nazareth Cement, Pennsylvania, USA
Chief for Advanced Process Control, installation of a new control system (MSPCS).
1996 Cementos del Valle, Cali, Colombia
Chief of Commissioning for start-up of wet process kiln.
Al Ain Cement Factory, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Bid evaluation for upgrading of pollution control equipment, and conversion of open circuit cement mills to closed circuit, in partnership with Klohn-Crippen Consultants Ltd.
BMH Americas Inc. Dallas, USA
Consultant for the trouble shooting of clinker cooler operation at National Cement, Lebec, California.
1995 PEG Consulting, Geneva, Switzerland
Chief of Commissioning for Cement / Fly ash regrinding plant in Botswana.
Al Ain Cement Factory, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Responsibility for process design during the feasibility stage of upgrading a long dry kiln to preheater / precalciner, and upgrading of a 100% by-pass precalcining kiln to 30% by-pass. All flow calculations, layout of equipment, and basic design concept.In partnership with Klohn-Crippen Consultants Ltd., Don Mills, Ontario, Canada.
1994 Cementos del Valle, Cali, Colombia
Process layout of a wet kiln, using second-hand equipment from St. Marys Cement Plant, Bowmanville, Canada. Designed semi-direct coal firing system using KHD and Pfister equipment, in partnership with Klohn-Crippen Consultants Ltd., Don Mills, Ontario, Canada.
Nortru, Inc., Detroit, USA
Sao Paul, Brazil. Feasibility study in Brazil for burning hazardous waste in Cement kilns in conjunction with Chase Manhattan Bank. New York, USA.
Bacnotan Cement Ltd., Philippines
Commissioning of new 2,400 tpd precalcining kiln. Project included start up of the coal mill, Fuller roller mill, kiln/cooler, and design of control logic for the Siemens PLC control system. Project for PEG SA, Switzerland.
1993 San Juan Cement, Puerto Rico
BIF Certification Test procedure for San Juan Cement, responsibility for kiln operation for Safety-Kleen EnviroSystems.
Holnam Cement, Holly Hill, South Carolina
Trouble shooting, training and optimization of Waste Fuel burning systems in preparation for BIF re-certification for Safety Kleen, 2 long wet kilns.
San Juan Cement, Puerto Rico
Writing and preparing Training Course Manuals for cement plant personnel.
1992 San Juan Cement, Puerto Rico, Essroc Cement
Preparation of operating procedures for precalciner kiln. Optimization of control system logic for Bailey System 90. Trouble shooting Instrumentation and Control System.
Tilbury Cement, Vancouver, Canada
Trouble shooting kiln and cooler problems.
1991 San Juan Cement, Puerto Rico. Essroc Cement
Commissioning & start-up of new 2,300 tpd Polysius precalciner kiln. Kiln was burning Hazardous Waste from the Pharmaceutical Industry.
1988 - 1991 Cementos Paz del Rio, Colombia, South America
Project Manager - responsible for equipment specification, bid analysis and design criteria. Erection and commissioning of new equipment & feasibility study for doubling of the plant capacity.
Design and installation of Allen Bradley / PC computer based operating system. Installation of new air pollution equipment.
1989 Arawak Cement, Barbados, West Indies
Training course for plant Engineers and control room operators.
1988 Florida Crushed Stone Ltd., Brooksville, Florida
Training package using Kiln Simulator.
Inland Cement, Edmonton, Alberta
Consultant for trouble shooting process problems with precalciner kiln.
Arawak Cement, Barbados, West Indies
Training course for plant Engineers and control room operators.
Developed microcomputer based Cement Kiln Simulation for training control room operators.
1987 Consultant to Pakland Cement, Karachi, Pakistan
Evaluation of plant expansion projects, site supervision and technical advisor to production department. Recommended various options for Control Systems. Preparation of Technical Report evaluating various expansion strategies.
1986 Libya Cement and Lime Co., Souk El-Khamis, Libya
Training operators and preparation of training manual for BKMI, during post start-up phase of a new Lime kiln.
Cement Company of Northern Nigeria, Sokoto, Nigeria
Technical Assistance to Austroplan for the supervision of the commissioning of an Orenstein & Koppel 4 stage planetary cooler kiln. Preparation of training manuals.
1984 China Cement Co., Hong Kong
Auditing production performance test for Chase Manhattan Bank. New York, USA.
Kaiser Cement Ltd., Cushenbury, California
Training of Control room operators and plant engineers and optimization of production equipment.
Trinidad Cement Ltd. Trinidad and Tobago
Technical Assistance to the Production Department, for Voist-Alpine wet kiln.
1983 Genstar Cement Co., Edmonton, Canada
Trouble shooting problems with gas fired 2,340 tpd Fuller precalciner.
China Cement Co., Hong Kong
Job training and start-up supervision of 4,500 tpd Allis Chalmers R.S.P. precalciner with G-cooler and indirect coal firing.
1982 Kloeckner-Metz, Paris, France
Consultant to Kloeckner for the study and investigation of possible upgrading of Nile Cement, Rabak, Sudan.
Austroplan (Consulting Engineers), Vienna, Austria
Supervision of process engineering during the recommissioning of existing cement plant for Cement Co., of Northern Nigeria.
Holderbank Management and Consulting, Switzerland
Responsible for the mechanical design and site supervision for refurbishing & upgrading of existing Polysius 4 stage preheater at the Fuhais Plant of Jordan Cement.
Kaiser Cement Co., Cushenbury, California
Start-up services for 4,500 tpd Allis Chalmers precalciner with G-cooler and indirect coal firing. Responsibilities for operator training and review of operating manuals and procedures.
1981 Inland Cement Industries (Genstar), Edmonton, Canada
Start-up services for complete cement plant including Fuller - I.H.I. precalciner and Pfeiffer roller mill.
Kaiser Cement Co., Permanente, California
Start-up services for 4,500 tpd Allis Chalmers precalciner with G-cooler and indirect coal firing. Responsibilities for operator training and review of operating manuals and procedures.
Holderbank Management and Consulting, Switzerland
Post start-up trouble shooting and operator training at Al-Ain cement, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Featured I.H.I. 4-stage precalcining kiln with 100% by-pass.
1980 Kaiser Cement Co., Longhorn Plant, Texas
Start-up and operation of preheater conversion to KHD "Pyroclone" precalciner with twin string preheater, G-cooler and Roller mill. Coal fired.
Austroplan, Vienna, Austria
Re-commissioning of Calabar plant of Calcemco, Calabar, Nigeria. Included check out of mechanical equipment, trouble shooting, preparation of operating manuals and operator training.
Kloeckner Humbolt Deutz (KHD) Köln, West Germany
Start-up assistance at Cementos Minetti, Cordoba, Argentina. Plant included KHD 4 stage preheater and rotary cooler.
Cementos del Pacifico, Costa Rica
Allis Chalmers preheater with Pfeiffer roller mill and finish mill. Responsibilities included start-up supervision and operator training.
1979 Cementos del Valle, Cali, Colombia
Consultant for trouble shooting Raw grinding plant.
CESSA, Metapan, El Salvador
Allis Chalmers preheater with satellite cooler and finish mill. Responsibilities included start-up supervision and operator training.
Kaiser Cement, Longhorn Plant, Texas
Prestart-up checkout, design and evaluation of plant interlocking flow sheets.
1978 La Cementos National, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Start-up assistance to Allis Chalmers for complete cement plant, including 4 stage Allis Chalmers / Miag preheater, raw & finish mills.
Inland Cement, Vancouver, Canada
Start-up of complete computerized plant including Polysius kiln / preheater, planetary cooler, Polysius roller mill and Aerofall finish mills.
1977 Cementos Santa Rita, Sorocaba, Brazil
Start-up of complete cement plant including Allis Chalmers preheater kiln, roller mill.
1976 China Rebar Cement, Taiwan, Republic of China
Start-up of complete cement plant including Allis Chalmers preheater kiln, roller mill.
1975 Maintenance Superintendent – Canada Cement Lafarge, Woodstock, Ontario, Canada
1974 Production Superintendent – Canada Cement Lafarge, Bath, Ontario, Canada
1972 - 1973 Process Engineer for Canada Cement Lafarge
Start-up and commissioning of F.L. Smidth long dry kiln.
Steve Rowley President & CEO Eagle Materials, Inc Dallas, Texas, USA Tel: 1 . 214 . 432 . 2000 email: srowley@eaglematerials.com | Wayne Emmer President, Illinois Cement Co. 1601 Rockwell Road LaSalle Illinois, 61301 USA Tel: 1 . 815 . 224 . 2112 email: wemmer@illinoiscement.com |
Bob Kidnew President, Texas Lehigh Cement Co. Buda, Texas. 78610, USA Tel: 1 . 512 . 295 . 9207 email: rkidnew@texaslehigh.com | Victor M. Lizarralde Technical Director Argos Groupo Bogota, Colombia. Tel: 57 . 2 . 669 . 4005 email: vlizarralde@argos.com.co |
Cement Process Consulting Ltd
email: kpostle@cement-process.com